10 Banks Offering AR Banking Experience And How To Start

The emergence of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) has brought about significant changes in various industries, including banking. AR banking is a new trend that is revolutionizing the banking industry by providing customers with a more immersive and interactive banking experience. In this blog post, we will discuss AR banking. I will share with you the top 10 banks offering ar banking services

AR banking allows customers to access their accounts and perform various banking transactions using AR technology. Customers can use their mobile devices or AR headsets to view their account balances, pay bills, and transfer funds. AR banking also provides customers with a more interactive way to learn about financial products and services, enabling them to make more informed decisions.

AR banking is still a relatively new concept, but it has the potential to transform the banking industry. As more banks begin to adopt AR technology, customers can expect to see more innovative and engaging banking experiences. The integration of AR technology into the banking industry is an exciting development that is sure to change the way people interact with their banks.


Evolution of Banking from Traditional to AR

Banking has come a long way since the days of brick and mortar branches. With the advent of digital banking, customers can now carry out transactions from the comfort of their homes using their mobile devices. However, the banking industry is not done evolving yet. Augmented Reality (AR) is the next frontier in banking technology, and it promises to revolutionize the way customers interact with their banks.

AR technology is already being used in various industries to enhance customer experience, and banking is no exception. With AR, customers can now access banking services in a more immersive and interactive way.

AR technology can be used to create virtual branches where customers can interact with their banks in a more personalized manner. This technology can also be used to provide customers with a more detailed view of their financial information, making it easier for them to manage their finances.


AR in Modern Banking Systems

The use of AR in modern banking systems is still in its early stages, but it is already showing great promise. AR can be used to create virtual banks that customers can access from anywhere in the world. This technology can also be used to provide customers with a more personalized experience, allowing them to interact with their banks in a more natural way.

One of the key benefits of AR in banking is that it can enhance customer experience. AR can be used to provide customers with a more immersive and interactive way to access banking services. This technology can be used to create virtual tellers that can guide customers through the banking process. It can also be used to provide customers with a more detailed view of their financial information, making it easier for them to manage their finances.

AR technology is also being used in fintech to create innovative solutions for the banking industry. Fintech companies are using AR to create virtual wallets that customers can use to store and manage their finances. These virtual wallets can be accessed from anywhere in the world, making it easier for customers to manage their finances on the go.

AR technology is the next frontier in banking technology. With its ability to enhance customer experience and provide customers with a more immersive and interactive way to access banking services, AR is set to revolutionize the banking industry. As the banking industry continues to evolve, AR will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of banking.


Banks offering AR Banking Experience

Banks offering AR Banking Experience

  • Bank of America
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Axis Bank
  • PNC Bank
  • Westpac
  • U.S. Bank
  • Halifax
  • Lloyds Bank
  • BNP Paribas
  • Emirates NBD

Bank of America

Bank of America has integrated augmented reality into their mobile banking app to enhance the customer experience. One of the unique features offered by their AR service includes the ability to locate the nearest ATMs and banking centers using the camera on a smartphone.

Customers can simply point their device in any direction, and the app overlays the exact locations, distances, and directions to the nearest facilities. This AR feature simplifies navigation and improves the convenience of finding bank-related services for customers on the go.


Commonwealth Bank of Australia

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has been at the forefront of incorporating AR technology into their banking services. Their AR app allows homebuyers to scan properties with their mobile device to receive real-time data on property prices, historical data, and trends.

This feature empowers customers to make more informed decisions when purchasing real estate. The app also provides financial information and loan calculators, making it easier for users to assess their potential investment while on location.


Axis Bank

Axis Bank in India offers an augmented reality feature within its mobile banking application that helps customers locate nearby ATMs, branches, and even dining offers. By using the camera on their smartphone, customers can view the surrounding area with information on Axis Bank services superimposed onto the real-world image.

This not only enhances the customer’s banking experience but also adds value by highlighting partner establishments and offers that are available to Axis Bank customers.


PNC Bank

PNC Bank’s AR application is designed to provide a more immersive banking experience. One of its features includes interactive financial reports where customers can view their spending habits and account balances in a more engaging and visual format. By using AR, PNC Bank aims to make financial management more intuitive and accessible, helping customers to better understand their financial health and make more informed decisions.

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Westpac, one of Australia’s major banks, has utilized AR technology to provide customers with an interactive mobile banking experience.

Their AR features include the ability to visualize bank statements and spending patterns in a 3D format. Customers can interact with their transaction history in a way that is more engaging than traditional methods, potentially leading to better financial planning and budgeting.


U.S. Bank

U.S. Bank has experimented with AR to offer an innovative way for customers to interact with their banking services. By pointing their mobile device at a credit card, customers can access a virtual interface that provides insights into their spending, suggests financial actions, and offers personalized financial tips.

This approach to banking helps demystify credit card statements and encourages smarter spending habits through an interactive, augmented interface.



Halifax, a UK-based bank, has explored AR to assist customers in the home-buying process. Their AR application allows users to get detailed information about properties for sale by pointing their device’s camera at a house or a billboard.

The app can display property prices, interior photos, and contact details for the estate agents. This use of AR technology simplifies the initial stages of house hunting, making it more convenient for potential buyers.


Lloyds Bank

Lloyds Bank has integrated AR into their banking services to provide customers with a more immersive experience. Their AR features can include interactive tutorials on financial products and services, allowing customers to learn about different banking options in a dynamic and engaging way.

This educational approach through AR helps customers to better understand the products they are interested in, leading to more informed financial decisions.


BNP Paribas

BNP Paribas has embraced AR to enhance the customer experience in various ways. They have developed AR applications that allow clients to simulate different financing scenarios for products such as cars and homes. Through AR, customers can visualize their monthly payments and total loan costs overlaid on the actual products, helping them to grasp the financial implications of their potential purchases more clearly.


Emirates NBD

Emirates NBD has leveraged AR technology to provide customers with a futuristic banking experience. Their AR features include the ability to visualize financial goals and savings in a 3D format, making goal setting and tracking both fun and effective. By transforming abstract financial targets into tangible visual elements, Emirates NBD’s AR application helps customers stay motivated and engaged with their financial objectives.


How to create bank account in augmented reality

How to create bank account in augmented reality

Creating a bank account using augmented reality (AR) technology would typically involve a combination of AR interfaces and traditional banking processes to enhance the user experience. Here’s a hypothetical step-by-step guide on how such a process might work:

Step 1: Download the Bank’s AR App

To start the process, you would need to download the bank’s official AR application from your smartphone’s app store. This app would be specially designed to facilitate account creation and banking services through an AR interface.


Step 2: Launch the AR App

Once the app is installed, open it on your smartphone or tablet. The app may request permission to access your camera and other sensors to enable the AR experience.


Step 3: Initiate Account Creation

Look for an option within the app to create a new bank account. Selecting this option should activate the AR experience, which might involve pointing your device’s camera at a flat surface where the AR elements can be displayed.


Step 4: Enter Personal Information

Using the AR interface, you’ll be prompted to enter your personal details such as your name, address, date of birth, and social security number. This could be done by interacting with virtual input fields that appear in your environment through the device’s screen.


Step 5: Verify Identity

The bank will require you to verify your identity. The AR app might ask you to scan your government-issued ID or passport using the device’s camera. Some apps may use facial recognition technology to match your face with the ID you’ve scanned.


Step 6: Choose Account Type

Through the AR interface, you could be presented with different types of bank accounts (e.g., checking, savings, student). Select the account type that best suits your needs by interacting with the AR elements.


Step 7: Review Terms and Conditions

Important documents such as the terms and conditions, privacy policy, and fee schedule might appear in your AR space. You should carefully review these documents and acknowledge your agreement by selecting the appropriate virtual button.


Step 8: Fund Your Account

You may be required to fund your new account with an initial deposit. The AR app could guide you through setting up a transfer from another account or scanning a check.


Step 9: Confirm Account Creation

After you’ve completed all the necessary steps, you’ll be asked to confirm the creation of your new bank account. Confirm your details and submit your application through the AR interface.


Step 10: Receive Confirmation

Once the bank processes your application, you should receive a confirmation message within the AR app. You might also receive an email or text message with additional details about your new account.

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Step 11: Explore Additional Features

After your account is set up, the AR app may offer a tutorial on other banking services and features you can access, such as making payments, setting up direct deposit, or contacting customer service through the AR interface.

Please note that the actual process may vary depending on the bank’s specific procedures and the capabilities of their AR technology. Always ensure that you are using the official app from a reputable financial institution to safeguard your personal and financial information.


Enhancing Customer Interaction

Enhancing Customer Interaction in ar banking

With the advent of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the banking sector, customer interaction has become more personalized and engaging. AR technology has enabled banks to offer their customers a range of services that are convenient, quick, and efficient.


AR for Personalized Banking

AR applications have revolutionized the way customers interact with their bank accounts. With the help of smart glasses, customers can now access their account information and perform transactions in real-time. AR technology has also made it possible for customers to view their account balances, savings, and deposits without having to log in to their online banking portal.

Moreover, AR technology has enabled banks to offer personalized services to their customers. With the help of biometric authentication, customers can now access their accounts securely and quickly. This technology has made it possible for banks to offer their customers a hassle-free banking experience.


Improving Service with Virtual Assistants

AR technology has also made it possible for banks to offer their customers virtual assistants. These assistants can help customers with their queries, provide them with information on their accounts, and offer them personalized services. Virtual assistants have made it possible for banks to offer their customers a 24/7 customer service experience.

In addition to virtual assistants, AR technology has made it possible for banks to offer customers debit cards that are linked to their accounts. These cards can be used to make purchases at any merchant that accepts debit cards. This technology has made it possible for customers to access their funds quickly and conveniently.

AR technology has revolutionized the way customers interact with their banks. With the help of AR applications, customers can now access their account information, perform transactions, and interact with virtual assistants in real-time. This technology has made it possible for banks to offer their customers a personalized and hassle-free banking experience.


AR Applications in Financial Services

AR Applications in Financial Services

Augmented Reality (AR) technology is revolutionizing the financial services sector by offering innovative solutions that enhance the way people interact with their finances. This section explores some of the key AR applications in financial services, including data visualization and analysis, virtual trading, and investments.


Data Visualization and Analysis

AR technology provides a unique way of visualizing financial data, making it easier for users to understand and analyze complex financial information. AR-powered apps allow users to view financial data in 3D, making it easier to spot trends and patterns. With AR, users can also interact with the data, zooming in and out, and rotating it to get a better view.

AR technology can also help users track their budgets and expenses. AR-powered apps can overlay financial data on real-world objects, making it easier to visualize how much money is being spent and where. This feature is particularly useful for people who struggle to keep track of their finances.


Virtual Trading and Investments

AR technology is also being used to create virtual trading and investment platforms. These platforms allow users to simulate trading and investing in real-time, without risking any actual money. AR-powered trading platforms provide users with a realistic trading experience, complete with real-time market data and price charts.

AR technology can also be used to create virtual investment portfolios. AR-powered investment apps allow users to create and manage virtual portfolios, track their performance, and make informed investment decisions. These apps provide users with a secure and accessible way to invest their money, without the need for a traditional broker.

AR technology is transforming the financial services sector by offering innovative solutions that enhance the way people interact with their finances. AR-powered apps provide users with a unique way of visualizing financial data, making it easier to understand and analyze complex financial information. AR technology is also being used to create virtual trading and investment platforms, providing users with a realistic trading experience and a secure and accessible way to invest their money.


Security and Accessibility in AR Banking

Security and Accessibility in AR Banking

Enhancing Security with AR Technology

AR technology has the potential to enhance the security of banking transactions by providing an additional layer of security. This technology can be used to create a secure and convenient banking experience for customers. Mastercard has already developed an AR app that uses facial recognition technology for biometric authentication. This technology can help prevent fraud and identity theft, as it is much harder to fake a person’s face than a password or PIN.

Visa is also developing an AR app that uses biometric authentication to enhance security. This app uses a combination of facial recognition and fingerprint scanning to verify a user’s identity. This technology can help prevent unauthorized access to a user’s account, making it more secure.

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Making Banking More Accessible

AR technology can also make banking more accessible for people with disabilities. By providing a more immersive and interactive banking experience, AR can help people with visual impairments or other disabilities to better understand their finances. This technology can also help people with mobility issues to access banking services more easily, as they can do so from the comfort of their own homes.

Banks can also use AR technology to make their services more accessible to people with disabilities. For example, they can use AR to create virtual branches that are accessible to people with mobility issues. They can also use AR to provide real-time translation services for customers who speak different languages.

AR technology has the potential to enhance the security and accessibility of banking services. With the help of biometric authentication and virtual branches, banks can provide a more secure and convenient banking experience for their customers. AR technology can also help make banking more accessible for people with disabilities, providing a more inclusive experience for all.


The Future of AR in Banking

As technology continues to advance, the integration of augmented reality (AR) in banking is becoming increasingly relevant. AR allows for a more immersive and interactive experience for customers, which can lead to increased engagement and satisfaction. In this section, we will explore the future of AR in banking, including its integration with other technologies and its role in the post-pandemic world.


AR Integration with Other Technologies

AR has the potential to integrate with other technologies to create a seamless and personalized banking experience. For example, AR can be used in conjunction with virtual assistants to provide customers with real-time financial advice and guidance. AR can be used to enhance mobile banking apps, allowing customers to view their accounts and transactions in a more interactive and engaging way.


The Role of AR in the Post-Pandemic World

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend towards remote work and digital banking. AR can play a vital role in this new normal by providing customers with an immersive banking experience from the comfort of their own homes. Furthermore, AR can be used to enhance remote customer service, allowing customers to interact with banking professionals in a more engaging and personalized way.

The future of AR in banking looks promising. As platforms such as the metaverse continue to gain popularity, AR has the potential to become even more integrated into the banking experience. With the ability to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction, AR is a technology that banks should keep a close eye on in the coming years.

Evolution of Banking with AR


Frequently Asked Questions

How are augmented reality (AR) technologies being utilized in the banking sector?

AR technologies are being utilized in the banking sector to enhance customer experience and convenience. Banks are using AR to provide customers with a virtual tour of their branches, allowing them to explore the different services and products offered. AR is also being used to create interactive financial reports, which enable customers to visualize their financial data in a more engaging and understandable way.


What advancements have virtual reality (VR) brought to financial services?

VR has brought significant advancements to financial services, particularly in the areas of training and education. Financial institutions are using VR to provide their employees with immersive training experiences, allowing them to practice handling complex financial scenarios in a realistic environment. VR is also being used to create investment simulations, which enable customers to test different investment strategies and evaluate their potential outcomes.


What impact does blockchain technology have on banking operations and security?

Blockchain technology has the potential to significantly impact banking operations and security. It provides a secure and transparent way of recording financial transactions, making it difficult for fraudsters to manipulate financial data. Blockchain also enables banks to streamline their operations by eliminating the need for intermediaries, reducing transaction costs, and increasing transaction speed.


In what ways can mixed reality (MR) enhance the customer experience in banking?

MR can enhance the customer experience in banking by providing customers with a more immersive and engaging experience. Banks are using MR to create virtual financial advisors, which enable customers to interact with a virtual assistant to get financial advice and support. MR is also being used to create personalized financial reports, which enable customers to visualize their financial data in a more engaging and interactive way.


How do AR and VR innovations influence the future of financial education and investment strategies?

AR and VR innovations are expected to significantly influence the future of financial education and investment strategies. These technologies provide a more engaging and interactive way of learning about financial concepts and investment strategies. They enable customers to practice and test different investment scenarios in a safe environment, allowing them to make better-informed financial decisions.


What are the career opportunities in the Arkansas State Bank Department related to emerging technologies?

There are several career opportunities in the Arkansas State Bank Department related to emerging technologies. These include positions in cybersecurity, data analytics, digital banking, and emerging technology research and development. As the banking industry continues to evolve, there will be an increasing demand for professionals with expertise in emerging technologies to drive innovation and growth.



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