10 Best Augmented Reality Glasses For Construction

augmented reality glasses for construction

Augmented Reality (AR) glasses are a relatively new technology that has started to gain traction in the construction industry. AR glasses are wearable devices that can overlay digital information on top of the real world, allowing construction workers to access critical information in real-time. The technology has the potential to revolutionize the way construction workers complete their tasks, making work safer, more efficient, and more accurate. In this blog post, I will share with you the 10 best augmented reality glasses for construction and their use cases.

AR glasses can be used for a variety of tasks in the construction industry, including project planning, design, and execution. They can be used to display 3D models of buildings and structures, allowing workers to visualize the finished product before construction begins. AR glasses can also be used to provide workers with real-time information about the progress of a project, including updates on deadlines, budgets, and schedules. AR glasses can be used to provide workers with safety information, such as the location of hazardous materials and the position of other workers on the job site.


10 Best Augmented Reality Glasses For Construction

  • Microsoft HoloLens 2
  • Magic Leap 1
  • Vuzix Blade
  • Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2
  • Epson Moverio BT-300
  • RealWear HMT-1
  • DAQRI Smart Glasses
  • Trimble XR10 with HoloLens
  • ThirdEye Gen X2
  • Focals by North


Microsoft HoloLens 2

The Microsoft HoloLens 2 is a leading augmented reality headset designed for various industries, including construction. It features a more comfortable and balanced design than its predecessor, with improved hand tracking and gesture recognition capabilities. The HoloLens 2 offers a high-resolution holographic display that allows workers to interact with 3D models and collaborate with remote teams in real-time. It is built to be durable and to withstand the rigors of construction sites. The price point is on the higher end, reflecting its advanced features and enterprise focus.


Magic Leap 1

Magic Leap 1 is a mixed reality headset that provides a wide field of view and powerful spatial computing capabilities. It is designed for professionals who require advanced AR applications. The device includes features such as hand tracking and eye tracking, which enables intuitive interactions with digital content. Although not specifically ruggedized for construction environments, it offers a high degree of immersion for design and planning use cases. The price is premium, targeting professional and enterprise users who need cutting-edge technology.


Vuzix Blade

The Vuzix Blade AR glasses are designed for professionals who need hands-free, mobile computing. With a see-through display, the Blade allows users to view AR content while maintaining situational awareness. The glasses are relatively lightweight and offer a durable build, though they may not be as rugged as other devices specifically made for construction. They are more affordable than some of the higher-end models, making them accessible for small to medium-sized businesses.


Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2

Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 is designed for the workplace, offering a lightweight, comfortable form factor and improved processing power over its predecessor. It provides hands-free access to information and tools, which can be particularly useful for on-site construction workers needing to reference plans or communicate with team members. The device is built to be durable and withstand the daily wear and tear of industrial environments. Its price is competitive, aiming to provide an affordable solution for enterprises.


Epson Moverio BT-300

The Epson Moverio BT-300 features binocular see-through AR glasses with an OLED display, providing a clear and bright image for users. These glasses are geared towards drone piloting and other precision tasks, but they can also be used in construction for visualizing models and accessing information hands-free. They are not as rugged as some other construction-specific options but offer a good balance between features and price, making them a viable choice for businesses looking for a cost-effective AR solution.


RealWear HMT-1

RealWear HMT-1 is a head-mounted tablet designed for industrial applications, including construction. It provides a voice-controlled user interface, allowing workers to operate the device hands-free even in noisy environments. The HMT-1 is built to be tough, with resistance to dust, water, and drops, making it suitable for harsh construction sites. The device is positioned at a mid-range price point, offering a robust set of features for the cost.


DAQRI Smart Glasses

DAQRI Smart Glasses were designed with industrial applications in mind, including construction. They featured a wide field of view and a high-resolution display for detailed AR experiences. The glasses were built to be durable, but as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, DAQRI had unfortunately shut down its operations, and their products were no longer available on the market.


Trimble XR10 with HoloLens

The Trimble XR10 with HoloLens combines the capabilities of the HoloLens 2 with a hard hat certified for construction environments. It provides workers with a hands-free AR experience while ensuring safety on the job site. The device is designed to be used in tough conditions and integrates with Trimble’s suite of construction software. The XR10 is one of the higher-priced options available, reflecting its specialized construction features and professional-grade durability.

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ThirdEye Gen X2

ThirdEye Gen X2 is a robust pair of AR glasses that cater to a range of industries, including construction. They offer a wide field of view and high-resolution display, along with thermal imaging options for inspections. The Gen X2 is designed to be durable and can be used in challenging environments. The pricing is competitive, aiming to provide a cost-effective solution for businesses interested in implementing AR technology on the construction site.


Focals by North

Focals by North were stylish smart glasses that offered a minimalist and discreet design. They projected information directly into the user’s line of sight, providing a simple interface for notifications and basic AR functionality. While not as feature-rich or rugged as other AR glasses designed for construction, they presented an option for light AR use cases. However, North was acquired by Google, and as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Focals were discontinued.


Evolution of AR in Construction

Augmented reality (AR) technology has come a long way in the construction industry, with roots traceable to the 1960s when Ivan Sutherland developed the first head-mounted display system. However, its applications in construction did not become apparent until the 1990s. Since then, AR has evolved to become one of the most promising technologies in the construction industry.


What are augmented reality glasses?

Augmented reality glasses are wearable devices that overlay digital information onto the physical world. They are designed to improve the efficiency and safety of construction workers by providing them with real-time information and virtual tools. AR glasses consist of a small display, a camera, and a computer processor that runs software to generate the augmented reality experience.


What augmented reality glasses do?

AR glasses provide construction workers with real-time information about the project they are working on. For example, they can display 3D models of buildings, plans, and blueprints. They can also provide workers with step-by-step instructions on how to complete a task, and highlight potential hazards. AR glasses can also be used to communicate with other workers on the job site, improving collaboration and efficiency.


Difference between smart glasses and AR glasses

While smart glasses and AR glasses share some similarities, they are not the same. Smart glasses are designed to display information like a smartphone, while AR glasses overlay digital information onto the physical world. AR glasses are more advanced than smart glasses, as they use sensors and cameras to track the user’s movements and adjust the augmented reality experience accordingly.


Augmented reality glasses are one of the most promising technologies in the construction industry. They have the potential to revolutionize the way construction workers work by providing them with real-time information and virtual tools. With the increasing demand for digital transformation in the construction industry, AR glasses are expected to become more prevalent in the coming years.


Use Cases for Augmented Reality Glasses

Augmented reality (AR) glasses are becoming increasingly popular in the construction industry, as they have proven to be an effective tool for improving productivity and safety on job sites. Here are five use cases for AR glasses in construction:


1. Design and Visualization

AR glasses can be used to create 3D models of buildings and structures, allowing architects and engineers to visualize their designs in real-time. This can help identify design flaws and make adjustments before construction begins, saving time and money in the long run.


2. On-Site Training

AR glasses can be used for on-site training, allowing workers to learn new skills and procedures in a hands-free, immersive environment. This can help improve safety and reduce the risk of accidents, as workers are able to practice procedures in a controlled environment before performing them on the job site.


3. Remote Collaboration

AR glasses can be used for remote collaboration, allowing workers to share information and communicate with each other in real-time. This can be particularly useful for large-scale construction projects, where workers may be spread out across multiple job sites.


4. Quality Control

AR glasses can be used for quality control, allowing workers to inspect structures and identify defects or areas that require additional work. This can help ensure that structures are built to the highest standards and meet all necessary regulations.


5. Safety and Hazard Detection

AR glasses can be used for safety and hazard detection, allowing workers to identify potential hazards and take appropriate action to avoid accidents. This can be particularly useful in hazardous environments, such as construction sites, where workers may be exposed to dangerous chemicals or other hazards.


Technical Specifications of AR Glasses

When it comes to augmented reality glasses for construction, there are certain technical specifications that are important to consider. In this section, we will discuss the key technical specifications of AR glasses, including field of view and resolution, connectivity and compatibility, and wearability and hands-free design.


Field of View and Resolution

One of the most important technical specifications to consider when choosing AR glasses for construction is the field of view and resolution. A wider field of view allows for a more immersive experience, while higher resolution ensures that the images and text displayed are clear and easy to read. Look for AR glasses with a field of view of at least 40 degrees and a resolution of at least 720p.

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Connectivity and Compatibility

Another important consideration is connectivity and compatibility. Look for AR glasses that are compatible with both iOS and Android devices, and that have Bluetooth connectivity for easy pairing with smartphones and tablets. This will allow you to easily access and display 3D models, blueprints, and other important project information.


Wearability and Hands-Free Design

Finally, consider the wearability and hands-free design of the AR glasses. Look for glasses that are lightweight and comfortable to wear for extended periods of time, and that have a hands-free design that allows you to easily access and interact with information without having to use your hands. Some AR glasses also come with a built-in camera and microphone, which can be useful for recording and sharing information on the job site.


When choosing AR glasses for construction, it is important to consider the field of view and resolution, connectivity and compatibility, and wearability and hands-free design. By choosing glasses that meet these specifications, you can ensure that you have the tools you need to work more efficiently and effectively on the job site.


Applications in Construction

Augmented reality glasses are rapidly gaining popularity in the construction industry. They have a wide range of applications, from design visualization to on-site construction management. Here are some of the ways that augmented reality glasses can be used in construction.


Design Visualization and BIM Integration

One of the most significant benefits of augmented reality glasses is their ability to provide an immersive experience for design visualization. By overlaying 3D models onto the real world, architects and engineers can visualize their designs in a real-world context. This can help them identify potential issues and make necessary changes before construction begins.


Augmented reality glasses can also be used to integrate BIM models into the construction process. BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a digital representation of a building’s physical and functional characteristics. By using augmented reality glasses, construction workers can view BIM models in real-time, which can help them understand the design and identify potential issues.


On-Site Construction Management

Augmented reality glasses can also be used for on-site construction management. By overlaying information onto the real world, construction workers can access important information without having to leave the construction site. For example, they can view blueprints, checklists, and schedules without having to carry around paper copies.


Safety and Training

Augmented reality glasses can also be used to improve construction safety and training. By overlaying safety information onto the real world, construction workers can quickly access important safety information, such as hazard warnings and safety procedures. Augmented reality glasses can also be used for training purposes, allowing workers to practice tasks in a virtual environment before performing them in the real world.


Augmented reality glasses have a wide range of applications in the construction industry. From design visualization to on-site construction management, they can provide significant benefits to architects, engineers, and construction workers alike.


Benefits and Challenges

Augmented reality (AR) glasses are a promising technology that can bring significant benefits to the construction industry. However, like any new technology, they also present some challenges that need to be addressed. In this section, we will explore the benefits and challenges of using AR glasses in construction.


Improving Efficiency and Reducing Errors

AR glasses can help improve efficiency in construction by providing workers with real-time information about the project they are working on. This can help them make more informed decisions and reduce the risk of errors. For example, AR glasses can be used to overlay digital models onto the physical environment, allowing workers to see how the finished project will look and identify potential issues before they arise.


Enhancing Collaboration and Communication

AR glasses can also enhance collaboration and communication among construction workers. By providing workers with real-time information, AR glasses can help them work together more effectively and efficiently. For example, workers can use AR glasses to share information about the project they are working on, such as blueprints, schematics, and other relevant data.


Addressing Privacy and Security Concerns

One of the main challenges of using AR glasses in construction is addressing privacy and security concerns. AR glasses can potentially capture sensitive information about the project, such as blueprints, schematics, and other data. This information must be protected from unauthorized access to prevent data breaches and other security risks.


To address these concerns, construction companies must implement robust security protocols to ensure that sensitive information is protected. This can include using encryption, two-factor authentication, and other security measures to prevent unauthorized access to data.

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AR glasses have the potential to bring significant benefits to the construction industry, including improved efficiency, enhanced collaboration, and better communication. However, they also present some challenges that need to be addressed, such as privacy and security concerns. By implementing robust security protocols and taking other measures to address these challenges, construction companies can reap the benefits of AR glasses while minimizing the risks.


Case Studies and Industry Adoption

Success Stories from Construction Firms

Augmented reality (AR) glasses have been used in construction to improve project management, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. Several construction firms have successfully adopted AR glasses to improve their operations. For instance, DAQRI Smart Glasses were used by Corgan, a construction firm, to visualize 3D models alongside the build construction. The AR glasses allowed the project manager to see the building design overlaid on the physical environment, thereby reducing errors and improving communication.


Another example is the use of AR glasses by Mortenson Construction, which used the technology to improve the construction of a hospital. The AR glasses allowed the workers to see the building design in real-time, which helped them to identify issues and solve them quickly. The glasses also enabled the workers to see the location of pipes and wires, thereby reducing the risk of damage.


Future Trends and Market Growth

The adoption of AR glasses in construction is expected to grow in the future. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the AR market in construction is expected to grow from $56 million in 2018 to $442 million by 2023. This growth is driven by the need for better project management, increased efficiency, and reduced costs.


Innovation in AR technology is also expected to drive the growth of the market. For instance, HoloLens 2, an AR headset developed by Microsoft, is expected to improve the adoption of AR in construction. The headset allows workers to interact with holograms, which can be used to visualize building designs and identify issues.


Service providers are also expected to play a role in the growth of the market. For instance, Trimble, a provider of construction technology, has developed AR glasses that can be used to visualize building designs and identify issues. The glasses also allow workers to see the location of pipes and wires, thereby reducing the risk of damage.


The adoption of AR glasses in construction is expected to grow in the future, driven by the need for better project management, increased efficiency, and reduced costs. The success stories from construction firms and the innovation in AR technology are expected to drive the growth of the market.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are augmented reality glasses worth it?

Augmented reality glasses are an investment that can significantly improve the efficiency and safety of construction sites. They allow workers to visualize designs and data in real-time, reducing errors and improving collaboration. However, the cost of AR glasses can be high, so it’s important to evaluate the potential benefits against the cost before making a purchase.


How do augmented reality glasses enhance safety on construction sites?

AR glasses provide workers with real-time information and alerts, reducing the need to look away from the task at hand. They can also provide workers with a visual representation of potential hazards and safety protocols. By keeping workers informed and aware, AR glasses can help prevent accidents and injuries on construction sites.


What is the difference between smart glasses and AR glasses?

Smart glasses are wearable devices that can display information, take pictures, and make phone calls. AR glasses, on the other hand, use augmented reality technology to overlay digital information onto the user’s physical environment. While smart glasses can be useful in a variety of settings, AR glasses are specifically designed to enhance the user’s experience and provide context-specific information.


How does an AR lens work?

AR glasses use cameras and sensors to track the user’s movements and environment. They then use this information to overlay digital information onto the user’s field of vision. This allows the user to interact with digital information in a natural and intuitive way, without the need for a separate screen or device.


What is the disadvantage of AR glasses?

The main disadvantage of AR glasses is their cost. High-end AR glasses can be expensive, and may not be affordable for all construction companies. Some workers may find the glasses uncomfortable or distracting, which could limit their effectiveness.


What are the best AR glasses right now?

There are several AR glasses available on the market, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most popular options include the Microsoft HoloLens, the Magic Leap One, and the Vuzix Blade. When choosing an AR glasses, it’s important to consider factors such as cost, durability, and compatibility with existing software and hardware.



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